Trilon, Inc., is a boutique provider of outsourced information-technology (IT) solutions and service. We focus on serving the needs of a select set of outstanding small-business clients in Eastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey.

We have always listened intently as our clients describe a problem, need, or concern they’d like help solving. Then we ask probing questions until the client and we reach a common understanding of the issue. Once a problem is well understood, we search for a high-quality technological solution that is affordable and that will improve their business meaningfully. If we don’t find a suitable solution, we report that to the client, rather than trying to force-fit a change that is inelegant or overpriced. Our focus has always been on finding wise solutions to clients’ real problems, rather than shackling them with an ever-increasing accumulation of complex, expensive, and ultimately unworkable—and unwanted—technological products and services.

As of 2024, Trilon is no longer soliciting work from new clients. Instead, after more than 30 years of service, we are content to meet the continuing needs of our existing clients.

Trilon was founded and incorporated in 1991 with a mission to explore and understand cutting-edge technologies, so as to enable clients to integrate advanced solutions into their businesses. For the company’s name, the three founding partners took inspiration from the 610-foot-high, spire-shaped, three-sided “triangular pylon,” dubbed Trylon, that along with the 180-foot- diameter Perisphere symbolized the 1939 New York World’s Fair. Together, the two monumental modernistic structures were known as the Theme Center. They housed a vision of a utopian city-of-the-future, in keeping with the fair’s theme: “The World of Tomorrow.”

Trylon and Perisphere were two monumental modernistic structures that together were known as the Theme Center of the 1939 New York World’s Fair.

Initially, Trilon focused on applying advanced information technology to bridge management. To ensure the proper maintenance and public safety of the nation’s 600,000 bridges, each bridge, by federal mandate, is inspected at least every two years. A key element of bridge management and maintenance is the analysis of data stored and collected in various forms: written paper reports, numeric data files, full-motion video with audio, color photos, computer-aided-design (CAD) files, and blueprints. The quantity of information is huge, and bridge agencies routinely circulate hundreds of thousands of documents. Traditional methods of storage make it extremely difficult to manage such large quantities of records—and almost impossible when different forms of information are involved.

Trilon worked closely with a leading structural-engineering firm to develop its Integrated Bridge Inspection Information System (IBIIS®), which quickly became the leading solution for state bridge-management agencies to effectively collect, store, and retrieve large quantities of bridge information in various forms. The IBIIS suite of products comprised three major components:

IOH on Newton
IOH on WindowsCE
Sample IOH Pontis Inspection Ratings Entry Screen
A 1999 Magazine Ad for Inspection On Hand (IOH)

Although several states showed considerable interest in Trilon’s bridge management products, the rate of customer adoption turned out to be too slow to maintain an ongoing business. In 2000, Trilon shifted its narrow focus on the field of bridge management to a much broader view. Trilon’s expanded mission was to assist a diverse set of regional small businesses to wisely adopt and intelligently integrate advanced information technology to significantly improve the way they work.

Although Trilon is no longer soliciting work from new clients, we’ll leave you with an offer that’s similar to that made by the legendary A-Team:

If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you leave a voicemail, maybe you can hire… Trilon.

John Hagan
Principle, Trilon, Inc.